Thursday, February 16, 2012

Polar Bears

IMG_1065, originally uploaded by feathermar.

A couple of weeks ago, the polar bear I married jumped into the ocean for charity. He was not the only one there (thousands do it), but he was the only one in our family of three (him, me and the dog).
He stripped down, jumped in with a couple of our friends, ran out, ran back in, and then we went home and had awesome buffalo chicken tacos (which he made in the crock pot!) It was a super fun time, only to be punctuated by a midday hangover and a late night snack.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Interesting Pamphlet

While in North Carolina, I stumbled across this gem. It is a paper booklet, published by General Motors for their staff people. I guess their HR used to have information pamphlets just "for GM Men and Women" made by the General Motors Personnel Staff. It's a pretty cool little booklet with ideas for retaining walls, and recycling household objects to create a path. It has little illustrations throughout, and was written by Harold Wallis Stack.

In this day and age, when everyone's talking about company culture, isn't it interesting that General Motors cared enough about it's employees to have a little DIY-make-your-weekend-better section?

Saturday, February 11, 2012